Macrotrends are reshaping the landscape of modern business that transcend any individual market or area of focus.
In all our previous trajectory work, increasing fragmentation has emerged as a meta-trend. While this may seem like a negative on the surface, we think it points to vital insights about future markets that investors and entrepreneurs need understand moving forward.
Fragmentation & Resilience
The Importance of Cultural Innovation
Societal cultural innovation has been proven to be a key determining factor in whether or not one similar innovation will succeed over another. So why, as investors, do we ignore the significance of culture as a catalyst for innvoation?
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Industry 5.0 Will Be Built on Carbon
Discover why the next generation of industry and business will be built on carbon.
Why Carbon and Money Will Converge
We believe it’s inevitable that the carbon and finance markets will merge.
Investment Theses
At Demos, we have a dedicated focus on several next-gen markets.