Our Process

We have a proprietary process called Trajectory Planning at Demos and Zeus Jones where we project the trajectory of future markets based on a wide variety of data and market signals along 5, 10, and 15-year time horizons.


Demos Was Born From Studying the Future

Through our Trajectory Planning process, we’ve collaborated with industry leaders to explore future market evolution across a wide variety of markets. These efforts have given us unprecedented insight into how industries are evolving and how the largest players in the industry are thinking about their future ecosystems and category creation opportunities. We created Demos to help our clients accelerate their strategies in these future markets and to help discover the key startups that will enable new market creation.



We Study Six Drivers of Change


We use published syndicate research and studies across all of our drivers of change as a means to identify signals of change. We continually update our research and inspiration in these areas and use a panel of experts to identify and verify our data.



Convergence Across Markets Helps Determine the Most Likely Outcomes

We examine the collision of signals for every intersection of the drivers of change. The outcomes and future states that repeat themselves across different parings are where we focus our further exploration. We can then examine how these macro trends will shape the future of specific category and business opportunities.



Explore the Future
With Us


If you are interested in finding out more about our trajectory planning process or would like to collaborate to discover future market opportunities, please reach out.

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    Fragmentation and Resilience

    Could it be that focusing on scale is not the right path forward for businesses?

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Want to discuss future markets? Let’s talk.